Sunday, October 18, 2009

The real reality."Transformers"

The earth is the only planet with life. This is the belief of the scientists, but a question arises in my mind how a life less mother give birth to a child full of life, has anyone thought of this! The form of life in this planet is different to the form of life in the universe and that thinking thought has misconception the real fact is the whole universe is living. They all have cycles, life-cycle. Each star is born and each star dies and those stars with their solar system have planets with life. As we know energy can neither be created nor can it be destroyed it can be transformed from one form to other and so the knowledge also.
The Knowledge of the universes transformation from time to time is reevaluated and new theories are derived those are nothing but the transformation of knowledge, the brain of the human is capable of accumulating all those knowledge but up to a certain limit, capacity to store and retrieve data from the universe around changes from time to time and the manipulation of the data transformation causes invention. If the inventor of the television see’s the LED TV’s of today he would think why didn’t I have this idea but he must be appreciated for generating the thought process that if his brain did not conceptualize the idea of CRT then today’s LED would not have been possible, but from where this idea came from, it came from the universe around because a few decades ago some fantasy movies already predicted the path to the future example Star Trek showed the communicators and today we are using the cell phone. This transformation from fiction to reality was also programmed by the universe and today which is fiction will be a reality in the coming future.
The movies showing “Transformers” and “Revenge of the Fallen” walk on the concept of alien organisms based on no biological elements which can scan and take the shape of vehicles but this concept is only possible when the “Transformation” takes place at the cellular level and this concept has been achieved by the scientific concept of claytronics and this concept is also present some where in the universe on some different solar system, on different planet which is far away from earth. The data of the concept was received by different brains, as brain is transmitter and receivers of data from the universe and the theory of telepathy also exists. We were forced to make the Computers and the basic base of universal data is 0 and 1, on and off, day and night, light and darkness, black and white. These all involve energy and knowledge and it always gets “Transformed”. “Transformation is the basic law of Nature” and we are also “Transformers” and we too have also gone through “Transformation” cavemen to today’s modern civilized humans.

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Thank you for your honest opinions.Will be greatfulfor your future comments. With regards Tuhin Kumar Dutta.